Maravilhosa experiência! Muito melhor do que eu imaginava! Obrigada e ate breve 🤗
Always amazing 🤩
Thx for the new years glow 🤩
Ik heb een fijne facial behandeling gehad. De behandeling werd stapsgewijs uitgelegd en heel ontspannen en professioneel uitgevoerd. Het was mijn 1e keer maar Ik kom zeker terug en raad Bem Estar aan. Me huid is nog aan het nagenieten van de behandeling.
Great experience with Kelly, she was very nice and delicate
Great information and plan! Definitely coming back.
Tenho pele negra, faço remoção dos pêlos a laser e estou tendo um resultado maravilhoso. Super indico.
Ad usual, a precious treatment and amazing me time.
Kelly is so considerate and very encouraging during the entire treatment. and of course impressively professional.
Great experience
Amazing as usual